Bexhill Philatelic Society |
Evening Meetings: Venue: Time:
Contact Secretary Telephone: Email: Website:
Fourth Wednesday of each month, September to July (except December, when First Wednesday) St Augustine's Church Hall, Cooden Drive, Bexhill-on-Sea, TN39 3AZ 7:30pm
Bill Anderson 01424 255338 - mobile 07824 881635
Bognor Regis & District Stamp Club |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Fourth Tuesday of each month (but Second Tuesday in December) The Mosse Hall, St. Richards Drive, Aldwick, Bognor Regis, PO21 3BD 7:00pm for 7:30pm Geoff Adams 01243 862 366
British Air Mail Society (Sussex) |
Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
If interested in attending meetings, please register with Josh.
Josh Spoor 01273 592214 or Email:
Bob Farquharson
Chichester & District Stamp Club |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Fourth Monday of each month (unless a Bank Holiday) and not December Donnington Parish Hall, Stockbridge Gardens, Donnington, Chichester, PO19 8QT 7:15pm for 7:30pm Frank Griffiths 01243 527068
Eastbourne & South Downs Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Second and Fourth Thursdays each month Broadway United Church, Lindfield Road, Eastbourne, BN22 0AS
7:00pm for 7:30pm
Andy Moor
East Grinstead Stamp & Postcard Club |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Second & Fourth Tuesdays, September to June Chequers Mead Arts Centre, East Grinstead, RH19 3BS 7:30pm Malcolm Green 01342 327554 |
Goring Stamp & Postcard Club |
Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
First Thursday of each month
Durrington Community Centre, 2 Romany Road, West Durrington, BN13 3FJ 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Eric White 07828505904
Hastings & East Sussex Philatelic Society |
Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
First & Third Thursday each month (except August & May) Second & Third Thursday in May when venue is used as a Polling Station. (Phone for confirmation) John Taplin Centre, Healey House, Upper Maze Hill, St Leonards-on-Sea, TN38 0LQ 6:45pm for 7:30pm Tony Calton 01424 434496
Heathfield & District Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Third Tuesday each month, September to April (Extra meeting in May TBC) Ian Price Room, Heathfield Community Centre, Sheepsetting Lane, Heathfield, TN21 0XG 2:00pm Jerry Stone 01323 844651 |
Horsham & District Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue:
Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
First Monday of each month. St. Mark's Church Hall, St. Mark's Lane, North Heath Lane, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 5PU
2:00pm Angus Lincoln 01403 256275
Lewes Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Lewes Philatelic Society has closed.
Littlehampton & Rustington Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Littlehampton & Rustington Philatelic Society has closed.
Mid-Sussex Philatelic Society |
Venue & Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Fortnightly September to May, alternate Monday and Wednesday afternoons
King Edward Hall, Lindfield, RH16 2HH - Monday 2pm for 2.15pm, Wednesday 2.15 pm for 2.30pm
Jim Etherington 01273 4718971
Peacehaven, Saltdean & District Stamp Club |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Third Monday of each month, September to July Peacehaven Evangelical Free Church, 132 South Coast Road, Peacehaven, BN10 8RD 7:30pm Phil Welch 01273 583490 |
Royal Tunbridge Wells Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email: Website:
Second and Fourth Wednesday of each month. (Summer break, No Second meeting in July or First meeting in August) Camden Arms, 1 High Street, Pembury, Kent, TN2 4PH 10:30am
Ian Marshall 01892 525780 |
Seaford & District Stamp Club |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email: Website:
Second Wednesday of each month Constitutional Club, Crouch Lane, Seaford, BN25 1PU 7:15pm for 7:30pm David Manthorpe 01323 492433 |
Adur Stamp Club |
Meetings: Venue:
Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Third Monday of each month (except when a BH, then on following Tuesday) The Flint Roon, Southwick Community Centre, Southwick Street, Southwick, BN42 4TE 7:00pm for 7:30pm Eric White 07828505904
Storrington & District Stamp Society |
Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Third Wednesday of each month, September to December, and March to June. Sullington Parish Hall, Thakenham Road, Sullington, RH20 3PP 2:15 for 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Mrs. Pauline Meadows 01903 417162
Sussex Postal History Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
First Wednesday of January, March, May, July, September and November Durrington Community Centre, 2 Romany Road, Worthing, BN13 3FJ 2:30pm
Philip Kaye 07909 711470
Worthing Philatelic Society |
Meetings: Venue: Time: Contact Secretary: Telephone: Email:
Second Monday of each month except August Durrington Community Centre, 2 Romany Road, Durrington, Worthing, BN13 3FJ
2:00pm for 2:30pm Brian Baldock 01903 263539